
CALGreen Resources

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About CALGreen - Title 24 Part 11

Other, Link, Presentation

CBSC summary of the history and development of CALGreen, including current mandatory requirements and voluntary tiers.

CALGreen Checklists (AIA California)

Checklist, Link

Residential and Nonresidential checklists with the new embodied carbon updates effective July 1, 2024. Each zip file contains an editable CAD and print-ready PDF version of the checklist in 24×36 format.

CALGreen Information


CBSC web page containing current and past CALGreen code language, checklists, guidebooks, and other resources.

Guide to the 2022 California Green Building Standards Code: Nonresidential

Guidebook, Link

See Also: 2022 Nonresidential Supplement
Intended to highlight and clarify both mandatory and voluntary nonresidential standards in CALGreen for use by local building departments, builders, and designers.

Guide to the 2022 California Green Building Standards Code: Nonresidential Supplement

Guidebook, Link

See Also: 2022 Nonresidential Guide
The purpose of this Supplement Update is to provide information about regulatory changes that occurred during the 2022 Intervening Code Adoption Cycle, effective July 1, 2024.

Guide to the 2022 California Green Building Standards Code: Residential

Guidebook, Link

Commentary, background, questions and answers, and helpful tools to better understand the mandatory and voluntary measures developed by Housing and Community Development (HCD) for residential structures.

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State & Local Codes

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View CALGreen Code
Map showing jurisdictions with energy-related ordinances.
View Local Energy and CALGreen Ordinances
  • SDGE - A Sempra Energy Utility
  • Southern California Edison - An EDISON INTERNATIONAL® Company
  • PG&E Corporation