Website Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This Web site is operated by Pacific Gas and Electric Company for itself and San Diego Gas & Electric Company, and Southern California Edison Company (collectively, “Investor-Owned Utilities” or “IOUs”).  The Web site is hosted by Media Macros, Inc. In this privacy policy, "we" and "us" means the IOUs and Media Macros, Inc. We respect the privacy of CALGreen Info Web site users. We realize that concerns about privacy and the secure transfer and use of personal information have increased with the growth of online services. That's why we maintain strict privacy policies and use state-of-the-art technologies to safeguard participant information.

What kind of information do we collect?

When you visit the site there are two kinds of information we are likely to record:

1.   Non-personal statistical information collected in the aggregate. This is anonymous information on subjects such as how many visitors come to the site, how they navigate through the site, and which browsers they use to visit the site.

2.   Personal information that you knowingly supply to us. When you sign up to access resources on the site, we collect personal information that will help us to identify you, authenticate you, and provide you better service in the future. This information is called "personally identifiable information" and is used to associate usage information with a specific individual or entity. Examples of personally identifiable information are customer name and e-mail address. It is a common business practice to collect this type of information in order to conduct business, provide participants with specific services and communicate with them. When we use your personally identifiable data, we may share it with all or any of the IOUs, who in turn, may share it with the California Public Utilities Commission (“CPUC”) and/or their contractors and vendors for purposes of providing you services, and to plan, implement or evaluate energy management, demand response or energy efficiency programs with the IOUs, the CPUC, and/or  government agencies that are participating in a CPUC-authorized program. However, in these cases, our policy dictates that contractors or vendors must agree to only use such information for utility purposes or in connection with the programs.  In addition, since the Web site is funded under the auspices of the CPUC, the IOUs are obligated to quantify and report that users are acquiring the resources we have developed.

The IOUs will not sell or trade your personal information to any third party, absent authorization by you.

Receipt of E-mails

E-mail gives the IOUs a convenient avenue to communicate with participants. The IOUs may periodically inform you about special events or new tools and resources. We also may solicit your feedback and opinion in order to help us improve the site and make it more useful to you. We will not, however, send you e-mails if you do not wish to receive them. If at any time you would like to remove yourself from the e-mail list, you can do so by selecting “Unsubscribe” at the bottom of the email message or on the Home page.


We do not seek to collect personal information from minors under 18 years of age. We do not have any content on our site that would be considered harmful to minors and certainly do not restrict minors from visiting the site. We do not monitor the age of users of the site. However, if you are under the age of 18, you should not submit personal information on the site or any Web site without the consent of your parent or guardian.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are small text files placed on your computer’s hard drive by web page servers. When you visit the site, our server may create cookies, making it more convenient for you to use the site by verifying when you travel from page to page. Data on site usage we collect using cookies is not tied to your personal information and is only used in aggregate form.

Linked Web sites

The site contains links to various other Web sites. Please be aware that these other sites may have privacy policies that differ from We are not in any way responsible for either the content that appears on linked sites or your privacy once you have linked to other sites.


In order to improve our service to keep up with future industry changes, the information in this privacy policy may be periodically updated. We will post a new date in the event that the current policy is altered.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us.

  • SDGE - A Sempra Energy Utility
  • Southern California Edison - An EDISON INTERNATIONAL® Company
  • PG&E Corporation