Link, Presentation
CBSC presentation featuring updates to electric vehicle charging requirements, effective July 1, 2024.
This course focuses on Title 24, Part 11, the California Green Building Standards, incorporating the 2025 code changes that take effect January 1, 2026. We’ll review background of the code, the logistics of implementation and the specific requirements for residential and non-residential construction.
Learning Objectives
- Understand CAL Green compliance process for residential and nonresidential projects, highlighting changes in the 2025 code.
- Become familiar with CAL Green mandatory measures and green building benefits of each
- Understand Tier 1 and Tier 2 options.
- Learn tools and best practices for submitting and reviewing compliance documentation
Link, Presentation
CBSC summary of the history and development of CALGreen, including current mandatory requirements and voluntary tiers.
Fact Sheet, Link
Association of California Water Agency's resource page for Senate Bill 606 and Assembly Bill 1668 that implements a new framework for long-term water conservation and drought planning for water suppliers throughout the state.
The AIA-CLF (American Institute of Architects - Carbon Leadership Forum) Toolkit provides architects an overview and the necessary steps to reduce embodied carbon in their projects.
Fact Sheet
Bay Area Air Quality Management Districts fact sheet on EV rebates and charging infrastructure.
Fact Sheet
Rather than upgrade a building’s electrical systems, which can be impractical and expensive, an automatic load management system (ALMS) manages EV charging to reduce the electrical load, allowing it to be shared among several vehicles.
Guidebook, Link
A project of the William J. Worthen Foundation, this is an expert-created free compendium of practical, case study-based guidance; an up-to-date reference tool that design professionals (architects, engineers, contractors, and others) as well as developers, funders, and policymakers can apply now.
Fact Sheet, Link
CA Dept. of Water Resources : Urban Water Use Efficiency Standards, Variances and Performance Measures
Fact Sheet, Link
CA Dept. of Water Resources : Water Use and Efficiency
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